64'er 04/1984 (PDF)

I converted the first issue of the German Commodore 64 magazine 64’er into a searchable PDF:

64’er 04/1984

Here is a screenshot of the PDF in Mac OS X Preview:

Here are two sample pages, and details in the original size:

Yes, there is another project to digitize them, but it has very different goals. I was told that the publisher doesn’t have the paper archive any more. I do.

The pages have been reconstructed from 600 dpi scans by adjusting the curves of each of the four channels in the CMYK color space, OCRed using ABBYY FineReader, then the resulting PDF has been descreened in Adobe Acrobat by scaling it down to 150 dpi and compressed by converting the PDF images into JPEG.

22 thoughts on “64'er 04/1984 (PDF)”

  1. WOW! I’ve been waiting for something like this to happen for a long time! I, too, have a few years of this magazine, and some special issues, lying around here. Do you plan to take this further, i.e. convert other issues too? Maybe I could help out with scanning at least…

  2. This reminds me of the PC magazin I used to buy with my allowence when I grew up in germany.

    I think I still have some issues of it that I kept as a memento when I moved.

    • SÃ¥ synd du glemte kameraet, men godt vi fikk en pekepinn pÃ¥ stylingen via mobil. Du er sannelig flink altsÃ¥! Det er nok av hus/leiligheter der ute som kunne trengt besøk av deg. FÃ¥r helt frysninger av en del prospekter. En ting er at dem som selger er blottet for stylingens kunst, men at fotograf/megler gir blaffen er helt forunderlig. Kos deg med bÃ¥de vin og ektemann og ha en fin fredagskveld! Klem Berit

  3. Yes! Nice one. Could you maybe digitize the old ASMs, too, with their gorgeous airspray’d covers?

    Dudewhatthehell: 64’er was a german computer magazine about, who’d have thought, the C-64.

  4. Pingback: Deniz DĂźlec
  5. great work, that’s awesome !

    Erinnert mich an alte Zeiten, als ich noch grasgrĂźn hinter den Ohren war ;P
    Wenn Du alte ASMs hast, dann wĂźnsch ich mir welche !

    Keep on scanning 😉

  6. Very interesting! I have pretty much the full run of “COMPUTE! Gazette”… assuming it hasn’t suffered water damage or just been thrown out by accident.

    It would be a neat project to digitize them… though I’m not sure I’d want to spend the money on a reasonable OCR package (and then the time to Do It Right.)

  7. Super! Gute Arbeit!

    Wie lange hat es gedauert die ganze Zeitschrift einzuscannen und durch die Schrifterkennung zu jagen?

    Nochmal Danke fĂźr diese Gute Tat!

  8. @Christoph: FĂźr eine Seite braucht mein A3-Scanner bei 600 dpi ca. eine Minute. FĂźr die Bildoptimierung und das OCR sind nochmal jeweils ca. 1 Stunde einzuplanen, in der der Computer arbeitet.

  9. Hi Michael,

    ich habe auch alle 64´er Zeitungen in einem guten Zustand zu Hause. Ich wßrde gern ALLE einscannen.

    Kannst Du mir ein paar Tips geben? Z.B. Welchen Scanner hast Du benutzt und welche Programme und Einstellungen in den Programmen?!

    Viele Grüße,

    PS: Toll das es immernoch Leute gibt, die sich mit den C64 beschäftigen! Respekt!

  10. Here I am, necro-posting again! After ten years last update!

    Michael, it would be awesome if you could find the time and energy to scan your 64’er magazines. I’m willing to contribute some money (to cover some cost and encouragement to you), and I can also volunteer my time to OCR (provided I can do a good job of it).

    I know nearly all the 64’er issues are on archive.com, but the scan quality is atrocious. I should know, because I’m copy/pasting into Google Translate and I get very many errors. But at least the research is improving my German (reading, anyway; not so much about the speaking).

    Anyway, if I can help, please let me know, and I’d be happy to do it. I’d like to see more wonderful scans like you have above (1984/04) and Sonderheft too, and other special issues.

    Patrick in Calgary


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