Reverse-Engineering DOS 1.0 – Part 2: IBMBIO.COM

Update: The source is available at

My last post was about the internals of the DOS 1.0 bootsector. This time, let’s look at the next stage of the DOS 1.0 boot process, the hardware abstraction library IBMBIO.COM.

CP/M and DOS History

Let us first look at the historical background: CP/M was an 8 bit operating system that existed for virtually every computer with an 8080/Z80 CPU. It consisted of the three core components: BIOS, BDOS and CCP. BIOS was the machine abstraction layer that allowed CP/M work on different platforms. BDOS was the platform agnostic core library code, and CCP the command line interpreter.

86-DOS by Seattle Computer Products was a clone of CP/M intended for 8086 computers. It shared the architecture of CP/M, having a separate machine abstraction layer (“DOSIO”). When Microsoft bought 86-DOS and ported it to the upcoming IBM PC (model 5150), they kept this architecture, although there was no need to implement custom drivers, since the IBM PC had all its drivers in its “BIOS” firmware. But IBM’s BIOS did not have the same interface as 86-DOS DOSIO, so PC-DOS 1.0 included a very small DOSIO which would just sit on top of BIOS and using its driver library (and work around some bugs).

So DOS 1.0 for the IBM PC consisted of the three parts IBMBIO.COM (machine abstraction), IBMDOS.COM (DOS library) and COMMAND.COM (command line).

Microsoft soon started licensing MS-DOS to other computer manufacturers that wanted to make IBM PC compatibles. Back then, IBM PC compatible meant being able to run DOS applications and not necessarily sharing the whole system design with the IBM PC, so for MS-DOS to run on other 8086-based systems, it was enough to adapt the hardware abstraction layer to these machines, and therefore Microsoft provided the source code of this part of MS-DOS to hardware vendors. In MS-DOS, the system files are called IO.SYS and MSDOS.SYS.

But since MS-DOS only provided a rather narrow API that did not include, for example, access to bitmap graphics, soon many DOS programs accesses hardware directly, forcing clone makers to make their PC compatibles more and more similar to the IBM PC, eventually using the same support chips and a binary compatible firmware interface. The separation of the kernel in two parts was less and less necessary, so that starting with MS-DOS 5.0, Microsoft only provided a single version of IO.SYS, and in MS-DOS 7.0 (Windows 95), IO.SYS and MSDOS.SYS were merged into IO.SYS.


On DOS 1.0, IBMBIO.COM provides the following library functions to DOS (names taken from 86-DOS DOSIO source):

STATUS check for keypress
INP get key from keyboard
OUTP send character to screen
PRINT send character to printer
AUXIN get character from serial
AUXOUT send character to serial
READ read sector(s) from disk
WRITE write sector(s) to disk
DSKCHG check for disk change

(READ and WRITE will be directly hooked up by DOS into the INT 0x25/0x26 direct disk I/O API later.)

In addition to this, IBMBIO is the next step in the boot process after the bootloader and responsible for

  • initializing the serial and printer ports
  • building a list of floppy drives and its capabilities
  • setting up exception vectors (division by zero etc.)
  • call the IBMDOS init code (already in memory)
  • load and run COMMAND.COM

Let us now look at the library calls it provides:

Serial and Printer

The code to talk to the serial and printer ports is rather straightforward. There is support for a single serial port and a single printer port. IBMBIO sets up the port to 2400 8N1 and has no function to change this setting. I/O will just be passed to the respective BIOS functions, but errors will be evaluated and error messages will be printed in the error case.

Keyboard and Screen

While printing a character just passes the character to BIOS, character input is quite interesting: When reading a character, BIOS returns the ASCII code as well as the raw keyboard scancode. For keys that have no ASCII equivalent like the function or cursor keys, this returns zero as the ASCII code. IBMBIO always returns the ASCII code, but for special keys, it returns two bytes: A zero, indicating that it is a special key, and the BIOS scancode. Therefore in case of a special key, it caches the scancode, returns the zero, and will return the scancode the next time a character is read.

The Control+C/Control+Break handler uses this infrastructure to inject the code “3” into the input stream.

Disk I/O: Virtual Disks

The library code for Disk I/O is the most interesting part, since it can simulate a virtual disk drive, and it works around two issues of the BIOS function.

DOS supports up to four disk drives, A:, B:, C: and D:, but in case there is only a single drive, it will present two drives to DOS. Since all disk access goes through the READ and WRITE functions of IBMBIO, it can compare the requested disk drive with the disk drive last used, and if it’s the other drive, it will print:

Insert diskette for drive A: and strike
any key when ready

After pressing a key, the actual I/O access is performed. This way, DOS can be completely agnostic about whether there are two physical drives, or a physical and a virtual drive, and “COPY A:FOO B:BAR” will just work. Note that without this feature, it would be impossible to get data from one disk onto another with standard DOS tools.

Disk I/O: Multiple Tracks

The first IBM PC BIOS issue IBMBIO works around is the fact that the original version of BIOS did not support a read or write of sectors across multiple heads. A track always had 8 sectors, and if your read starting at sector 1 of a track, it is possible to read up to 8 sectors, but starting at sector 8, only one sector can be read – if you want to continue reading sectors from the next track, you have to call BIOS again explicitly. The IBMBIO driver therefore breaks up longer reads if they span tracks.

Disk I/O: 8237 DMA Controller Bug

The second problem is actually a design issue with the Intel 8237 DMA controller in the PC. Although the Intel 8088 CPU was internally 16 bits, had 16 bit registers and could support up to 1 MB of RAM, it was the low cost version that was meant to interface to 8 bit support chips. The 8237 is such a support chip intended for 8 bit systems, and therefore only supports 64 KB of memory. Since this would have meant that data from the disk drive can only be read into the lower 64 KB of the PC, IBM extended the DMA controller by adding an external latch per channel to it: You set up the lower 16 bits of the DMA address in the DMA controller, and the upper 4 bits (20 bits correspond to 1 MB) in an external latch, and the upper four address lines will be provided by the latch when the DMA controller accesses memory.

Unfortunately, the 8237 had no “carry out”, so if you set up a DMA to 0x0FFFF (latch: 0x0, DMA controller: 0xFFFF), the address inside the DMA controller will wrap around to 0x0000, but it will not update the upper four bits of the address in the latch. So DMA that spans a 64 KB boundary will end up at the wrong location.

The idea of a device driver is to abstract away details of a device and work around device bugs, but the BIOS in the first PC failed to work around this quirk in the DMA hardware. Therefore IBMBIO works around it by detecting I/O that spans a 64 KB boundary and performing it in a temporary buffer inside IBMBIO.

What is interesting about these workarounds is that DOS 1.0 was the default operating system for the disk-equipped version of the IBM PC, and IBM shipped it with its first machines, so it should have been possible to include these workarounds in BIOS already. In fact, later versions of BIOS did not have these issues any more, but DOS kept supporting the workarounds for a long time.


Here is the assembly source of IBMBIO 1.0. It can be compiled with NASM and produces a binary which is not 100% identical, because of variations in the instruction encoding of different assemblers. The original assembler wasted a few bytes in the encoding, so NOPs have been added to keep the layout identical. The binary is only 1920 bytes. IBMDOS.COM is 6400 bytes, and I might be looking into that one in the future as well.

; DOS 1.0 IBMBIO.COM (disk image MD5 73c919cecadf002a7124b7e8bfe3b5ba)

SECTOR_SIZE equ 0x0200 ; size of a sector DOS_SIZE equ 10000 ; max size of IBMDOS.COM in bytes PAUSE_KEY equ 0x7200 ; scancode + charcode of PAUSE key KEYBUF_NEXT equ 0x041A ; next character in keyboard buffer KEYBUF_FREE equ 0x041C ; next free slot in keyboard buffer KEYBUF equ 0x041E ; keyboard buffer data LOGICAL_DRIVE equ 0x0504 ; linear address of logical drive byte SEG_DOS_TEMP equ 0xE0 ; segment in which DOS was loaded SEG_DOS equ 0xB1 ; segment in which DOS will run SEG_BIO equ 0x60 ; segment in which BIO is running
org 0x0000 ; segment 0x0060
jmp INIT ; 0x0060:0x0000 entry point jmp STATUS ; 0x0060:0x0003 check for keypress jmp INP ; 0x0060:0x0006 get key from keyboard jmp OUTP ; 0x0060:0x0009 send character to screen jmp PRINT ; 0x0060:0x000C send character to printer jmp AUXIN ; 0x0060:0x000F get character from serial jmp AUXOUT ; 0x0060:0x0012 send character to serial jmp READ ; 0x0060:0x0015 read sector(s) from disk (INT 0x25) jmp WRITE ; 0x0060:0x0018 write sector(s) to disk (INT 0x26) jmp DSKCHG ; 0x0060:0x001B check for disk change
dw SEG_DOS ; ??? dw TXT_VERSION ; ??? TXT_VERSION db 'BIOS Version 1.00' db ' '+0x80 db '22-Jul-81',0
ERR_PAPER db 13,10,'Out of pape','r'+0x80,13,10,0 ERR_PRINTER db 13,10,'Printer faul','t'+0x80,13,10,0 ERR_AUX db 13,10,'Aux I/O erro','r'+0x80,13,10,0
;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; check for keypress ; AL = character ; Z = set if no character ; all other registers preserved ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- STATUS mov al, [cs:next_char]; check for waiting character or al, al jnz char_avail ; yes, return it push dx xchg ax, dx mov ah, 1 int 0x16 ; otherwise get key (don't clear) jz status_exit ; no key cmp ax, PAUSE_KEY ; PAUSE key? jnz status_exit mov al, 0x10 ; convert into Ctrl+P or al, al
status_exit mov ah, dh ; restore original AH pop dx char_avail retf
;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Interrupt 0x1B handler: Control+Break handler ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int_1B mov byte [cs:next_char], 3; put code for Ctrl+C iret ; into keyboard queue
;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Interrupt 0x00 handler: Division by Zero ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int_00 sti push ax push dx mov dx, ERR_DIVIDE call print_string pop dx pop ax int 0x23 ; exit program through Ctrl+C path
;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Interrupt 0x00 handler: Single Step ; Interrupt 0x03 handler: Breakpoint ; Interrupt 0x04 handler: Overflow ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- iret1 iret ; empty interrupt handler
ERR_DIVIDE db 13,10,'Divide overflo','w'+0x80,13,10,0
;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; get key from keyboard ; AL = character ; all other registers preserved ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- again xchg ax, dx pop dx INP mov al, 0 xchg al, [cs:next_char]; get and clear waiting character or al, al jnz inp_exit ; there is no character waiting push dx xchg ax, dx mov ah, 0 int 0x16 ; then read character from keyboard or ax, ax jz again cmp ax, PAUSE_KEY jnz not_pause2 mov al, 0x10 ; Ctrl+P not_pause2 cmp al, 0 jnz skip1 ; key with ASCII representation mov [cs:next_char], ah; return scancode next time skip1 mov ah, dh ; restore AH pop dx inp_exit retf
;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; send character to screen ; AL = character ; all registers preserved ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- OUTP push bp push ax push bx push si push di mov ah, 0x0E cs ; XXX makes no sense mov bx, 7 int 0x10 ; print character pop di pop si pop bx pop ax pop bp retf
;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; send character to printer ; AL = character ; all registers preserved ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRINT push ax push dx mov byte [cs:printer_retry], 0 printer_again mov dx, 0 ; printer port #0 mov ah, 0 int 0x17 ; send character to printer mov dx, ERR_PAPER test ah, 0x20 jnz printer_error ; out of paper error mov dx, ERR_PRINTER test ah, 5 jz pop_dx_ax_retf ; no timeout error, return xor byte [cs:printer_retry], 1 jnz printer_again ; on a timeout, try twice printer_error call print_string pop_dx_ax_retf pop dx pop ax retf
;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; print zero-terminated string at DS:DX ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- print_string xchg si, dx prints1 cs lodsb and al, 0x7F ; clear bit 7 (XXX why?) jz prints2 ; zero-terminated call SEG_BIO:OUTP ; print character jmp prints1 ; loop prints2 xchg si, dx retn
;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; get character from serial ; AL = character ; all other registers preserved ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUXIN push dx push ax mov dx, 0 ; serial port #0 mov ah, 2 int 0x14 ; get character from serial port mov dx, ERR_AUX test ah, 0x0E ; framing, parity or overrun? jz aux_noerr ; no error call print_string aux_noerr pop dx mov ah, dh ; restore AH pop dx retf
;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; send character to serial ; AL = character ; all registers preserved ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUXOUT push ax push dx mov ah, 1 mov dx, 0 int 0x14 ; send character to serial port test ah, 0x80 ; timeout error? jz pop_dx_ax_retf ; no all fine mov dx, ERR_AUX jmp printer_error
;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; check for disk change ; AH = flag (1=changed) ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DSKCHG mov ah, 0 ; the IBM PC can't detect disk change retf
temp_sector: ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; entry point from boot sector ; assumes DX = 0 ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- INIT cli mov ax, cs mov ds, ax mov ss, ax mov sp, temp_sector_end; set stack used during init sti xor ah, ah int 0x13 ; reset disk 0 (DX = 0) mov al, 0xA3 ; 2400 8N1 int 0x14 ; initialize serial port mov ah, 1 int 0x17 ; initialize printer int 0x11 ; get system info and ax, 0xC0 ; number of floppies in bits 6 and 7 mov cx, 5 shr ax, cl ; (floppies-1) * 2 add ax, 2 ; floppies * 2 and ax, 6 ; will become 0 for 4 floppies jz four_floppies ; 4 floppies (num_floppies pre-assigned with 4) cmp al, 2 ; one floppy? jnz multi_floppy ; no shl ax, 1 ; pretend we have two, we'll emulate one mov byte [single_floppy], 1 multi_floppy mov bx, floppy_list add bx, ax ; + floppies * 2 mov word [bx], 0 ; terminate list with 2 zero words mov word [bx+2], 0 nop ; XXX original assembler wasted a byte shr ax, 1 ; =floppies mov [num_floppies], al four_floppies push ds mov ax, 0 mov ds, ax ; DS := 0x0000 mov ax, SEG_BIO ; target segment for interrupt vectors mov [0x6E], ax ; set INT 1Bh segment mov word [0x6C], int_1B; set INT 1Bh offset mov word [0x00], int_00; set INT 00h offset mov [0x02], ax ; set INT 00h segment mov bx, iret1 ; set INT 00h offset mov [0x04], bx ; set INT 01h offset (empty) mov [0x06], ax ; set INT 01h segment mov [0x0C], bx ; set INT 03h offset (empty) mov [0x0E], ax ; set INT 03h segment mov [0x10], bx ; set INT 04h offset (empty) mov [0x12], ax ; set INT 04h segment mov ax, 0x50 mov ds, ax ; DS := 0x0050 mov word [0x0], 0 ; clear 0x0500 in DOS Comm. Area (???) push es mov ax, SEG_DOS ; target segment for IBMDOS.COM mov es, ax mov cx, DOS_SIZE/2 ; size/2 of IBMDOS.COM cld mov ax, SEG_DOS_TEMP; source segment of IBMDOS.COM mov ds, ax ; the booloader read whole sectors and puts xor di, di ; the IBMDOS.COM image right after this; mov si, di ; so move it down a little rep movsw ; copy 10 000 bytes from 0xE00 to 0xB10 pop es pop ds mov si, num_floppies; pass in pointer to structure call SEG_DOS:0 ; init DOS (returns DS = memory for COMMAND.COM) sti mov dx, 0x0100 ; 0x0100 in COMMAND.COM segment mov ah, 0x1A int 0x21 ; set disk transfer area address mov cx, [0x06] ; remaining memory size sub cx, 0x0100 ; - Program Segment Prefix = bytes to read mov bx, ds mov ax, cs mov ds, ax mov dx, FCB_command_com; File Control Block mov ah, 0x0F int 0x21 ; DOS: open COMMAND.COM or al, al jnz error_command ; error opening COMMAND.COM mov word [FCB_command_com+0x21], 0; random record field mov word [FCB_command_com+0x23], 0; := 0x00000000 mov word [FCB_command_com+0x0E], 1; record length = 1 byte mov ah, 0x27 int 0x21 ; DOS: read jcxz error_command ; read 0 bytes -> error cmp al, 1 jnz error_command ; end of file not reached -> error mov ds, bx mov es, bx ; DS := ES := SS := COMMAND.COM mov ss, bx mov sp, 0x40 ; 64 byte stack in PSP (XXX interrupts are on!) xor ax, ax push ax ; push return address 0x0000 (int 0x20) mov dx, [0x80] ; get new DTA address mov ah, 0x1A int 0x21 ; set disk transfer area address push bx ; segment of COMMAND.COM mov ax, 0x0100 ; offset of COMMAND.COM entry push ax retf ; run COMMAND.COM
error_command: mov dx, ERR_COMMANDCOM ; "rnBad or missing Command Interprete" call print_string halt jp halt ; XXX jp instead of jmp
FCB_command_com db 1, 'COMMAND CO','M'+0x80 times 19h db 0
ERR_COMMANDCOM db 13,10,'Bad or missing Command Interprete','r'+0x80,13,10,0
; this is passed to IBMDOS.COM num_floppies db 4 ; if there's 1 physical drive, this says 2 floppy_list dw parameters ; point to params for every floppy installed; 0-terminated dw parameters dw parameters dw parameters dw 0,0
parameters dw SECTOR_SIZE db 1 ; will be decremented by 1, then used dw 1 db 2 dw 0x0040 dw 320 ; number of total sectors
times 512-($-temp_sector) db 0 temp_sector_end:
printer_retry db 0 ; count for printer retries next_char db 0 ; extra character in keyboard queue db 0 ; XXX unused single_floppy db 0 ; true if we emulate a second logical floppy
;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; READ - read sector(s) from disk ; WRITE - write sector(s) to disk ; al drive number (0-3) ; ds:bx buffer ; cx count ; dx logical block number ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- READ mov ah, 2 ; BIOS code "read" jmp short read_write WRITE mov ah, 3 ; BIOS code "write" read_write push es push ds push ds pop es ; ES := DS push cs pop ds ; DS := CS mov [temp_sp], sp ; save sp for function abort mov [int_13_cmd], ah; save whether it was read or write ; logic to emulate a "logical" drive B: by prompting the user to change disk ; when the currently used drive is changed cmp byte [single_floppy], 1 jnz multi_drive ; more than one drive push ds xor si, si mov ds, si ; DS := 0x0000 mov ah, al xchg ah, [LOGICAL_DRIVE]; current logical drive pop ds cmp al, ah jz drive_unchanged push dx ; save block number add al, 'A' mov [TXT_DRIVE], al mov dx, TXT_INSERTDISK call print_string ; prompt for disk change push ds xor bp, bp mov ds, bp mov byte [KEYBUF_NEXT], KEYBUF & 0xFF mov byte [KEYBUF_FREE], KEYBUF & 0xFF; clear keyboard buffer pop ds mov ah, 0 int 0x16 ; wait for any key pop dx ; block number drive_unchanged mov al, 0 ; for both logical A: or B: use drive A: multi_drive xchg ax, dx mov dh, 8 ; convert LBA to CHS div dh ; al = track (starts at 0) inc ah ; ah = sector (starts at 1) xchg al, ah ; track and sector xchg ax, cx ; cx = t/s, ax = count mov [num_sectors], ax; count mov dh, 0 ; work around DMA hardware bug in case I/O spans a 64 KB boundary ; by using a temporary buffer mov di, es ; destination segment shl di, 1 shl di, 1 ; make es:bx a linear address shl di, 1 ; (discard upper bits) shl di, 1 add di, bx add di, SECTOR_SIZE-1; last byte of sector (linear) jc across_64k ; sector overflows it xchg bx, di ; bx = last byte, di = buffer shr bh, 1 ; sector index in memory mov ah, 0x80 ; 0x80 sectors fit into 64 KB sub ah, bh ; sectors until 64 KB boundary mov bx, di ; bx = buffer cmp ah, al ; compare to number of sectors jbe skip2 ; they fit into 64 KB, cap num mov ah, al ; don't cap number of sectors skip2 push ax mov al, ah ; al = count call rw_tracks pop ax sub al, ah ; requested = done? jz rw_done ; yes, exit across_64k dec al ; one sector less push ax cld push bx push es ; save data pointer cmp byte [int_13_cmd], 2 jz across_64k_read ; write case follows mov si, bx push cx mov cx, SECTOR_SIZE/2; copy first sector push es pop ds push cs pop es mov di, temp_sector mov bx, di rep movsw ; copy into IBMBIO local data pop cx push cs pop ds call rw_one_sector ; write last sector pop es pop bx jmp short across_64k_end across_64k_read mov bx, temp_sector push cs pop es call rw_one_sector ; read last sector into temp buffer mov si, bx pop es pop bx mov di, bx push cx mov cx, SECTOR_SIZE/2 rep movsw ; copy out pop cx across_64k_end add bh, 2 ; continue 0x0200 after that pop ax call rw_tracks rw_done pop ds pop es clc ; success retf
;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; read/write an arbirtary number of sectors ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- rw_tracks or al, al jz ret2 ; nothing to read mov ah, 9 sub ah, cl cmp ah, al ; more sectors than left in track? jbe skip3 ; no mov ah, al ; otherwise, read up to end of track skip3 push ax mov al, ah call near rw_sectors ; reads/writes up to 8 sectors pop ax sub al, ah ; decrease sectors to read shl ah, 1 add bh, ah ; advance pointer by sectors * 0x0200 jmp rw_tracks ; continue
int_13_err xchg ax, di mov ah, 0 int 0x13 ; disk reset dec si jz translate ; retries exhausted mov ax, di cmp ah, 0x80 ; in the "timeout (not ready)" case, jz translate ; we don't retry (this would take forever) pop ax jmp short retry translate push cs pop es mov ax, di mov al, ah ; status mov cx, 0x0A mov di, conv_status repne scasb mov al, [di+9] nop ; XXX original assembler wasted a byte mov cx, [num_sectors] mov sp, [temp_sp] ; clean up stack pop ds pop es stc ; error retf
rw_one_sector mov al, 1
; reads/writes one or more sectors that are on the same track rw_sectors mov si, 5 ; number of retries mov ah, [int_13_cmd] retry push ax int 0x13 ; perform the read/write jc int_13_err pop ax sub [num_sectors], al add cl, al ; calculate next sector number cmp cl, 8 ; exceeds track? jbe ret2 ; no inc ch ; next track mov cl, 1 ; sector 1 ret2 retn
TXT_INSERTDISK db 13,10,'Insert diskette for drive',' '+0x80 TXT_DRIVE db 'A: and strik','e'+0x80,13,10 db 'any key when read','y'+0x80,13,10,10,0
conv_status db 0x80,0x40,0x20,0x10,9,8,4,3,2; BIOS error codes db 1,2,6,0x0C,4,0x0C,4,8,0,0x0C,0x0C; IBMBIO error codes
int_13_cmd db 2 temp_sp dw 0 num_sectors db 0
times 513 db 0 db 0xC9 times 126 db 0

7 thoughts on “Reverse-Engineering DOS 1.0 – Part 2: IBMBIO.COM”

  1. In the disk “parameters” table, have you been able to identify the remaining structure members? dw 0040 is probably the max number of root directory entries (64) for DOS 1.0. The remaining three are still mysterious.


  2. Now that I’ve rolled an MS-DOS 1.25 kernel from official source, having a similar disassembly for 1.1 would be nice and I wonder how different they are.

    Disassembling IBMDOS.COM may be a bit easier given the source code for the later version.

  3. I wonder if you can disassemble IBMBIO.COM in PC DOS 0.90 (i.e. 1.00 alpha/beta, 4 June 1981 build), for showing how many things are eliminated?


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