How to not get sued by Sony


  • White t-shirt: get sued.
  • Black t-shirt: do not get sued.

Oh, and Sony also fails, among other things, at the Spanish naming system.

In case you haven’t watched the video yet, you should do so now: Console Hacking 2010. I have a short cameo, repeating my age-old point that systems should be open, otherwise hackers will open them.

2 thoughts on “How to not get sued by Sony”

  1. I know we think Internet has no frontiers and that may be true… but all legal matters has diferent jurisdiction (or frontier) and i wonder “Who is suing who and where?”.

    When i ask who is suing i mean Sony Japan?, USA? or Juan Maria de Sony (to repect the spanish naming system).

  2. Q: Why does Sony sue Hungarian people who held a talk in Germany about hacking a Japanese product that happened in Spain in the USA?

    A: Because their computers were “Designed in California”.


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