NES and SNES Controllers on a 6502 (like the C64)

NES and SNES controllers support 8 to 12 buttons with only three data pins (plus VCC/GND). Let’s attach them to a C64 – or any 6502-based system!

NES Connector

The NES controller needs to be connected to +5V, GND and three GPIOs.

| 5  6  7   \
| 4  3  2  1 |
Pin Description
7 +5V

SNES Connector

The SNES controller’s pins are just like the NES controller’s, but with a different connector.

| 7  6  5 | 4  3  2  1 |
Pin Description
1 +5V

User Port

The C64 User Port exposes, among other lines, +5V, GND and 8 GPIOs (CIA#2 Port B):

 1 | 2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10 | 11 12
--- ---------------------------- -------
 A | B  C  D  E  F  H  J  K  L  | M  N

(viewed towards the C64 edge connector)

Pin Description
2 +5V


Let’s semi-arbitrarily map the signals like this:

GPIO Description
PB3 LATCH (for both controllers)
PB4 DATA (controller 1)
PB5 CLK (for both controllers)
PB6 DATA (controller 2)

The latch and clock outputs go to both controllers. There is a data line for each controller.

So the connection diagram for two NES controllers looks like this:

Description User Port Pin NES #1 Pin NES #2 Pin Color
GND 1 1 1 black
+5V 2 7 7 red
LATCH F 3 3 blue
DATA#1 H 4 green
CLK J 2 2 white
DATA#2 K 4 yellow

And this is the same diagram for two SNES controllers:

Description User Port Pin NES #1 Pin NES #2 Pin Color
GND 1 7 7 black
+5V 2 1 1 red
LATCH F 3 3 blue
DATA#1 H 4 green
CLK J 2 2 white
DATA#2 K 4 yellow

In fact, you can attach an NES and an SNES controller in parallel for each of the two slots, as long as you ever only connect one controller per slot.

This is the user port connector with wires attached for two controllers, using the color scheme above:

This is an NES connector attached as the first controller (green data line):

And this is an SNES connector attached as the second controller (yellow data line):

The Code

The code to read both controllers at a time is pretty simple:

; C64 CIA#2 PB
nes_data = $dd01
nes_ddr  = $dd03
bit_latch = $08 ; PB3 (user port pin F): LATCH (both controllers)
bit_data1 = $10 ; PB4 (user port pin H): DATA  (controller #1)
bit_clk   = $20 ; PB5 (user port pin J): CLK   (both controllers)
bit_data2 = $40 ; PB6 (user port pin K): DATA  (controller #2)

; zero page
controller1 = $e0 ; 3 bytes
controller2 = $f0 ; 3 bytes

    lda #$ff-bit_data1-bit_data2
    sta nes_ddr
    lda #$00
    sta nes_data

    ; pulse latch
    lda #bit_latch
    sta nes_data
    lda #0
    sta nes_data

    ; read 3x 8 bits
    ldx #0
l2: ldy #8
l1: lda nes_data
    cmp #bit_data2
    rol controller2,x
    and #bit_data1
    cmp #bit_data1
    rol controller1,x
    lda #bit_clk
    sta nes_data
    lda #0
    sta nes_data
    bne l1
    cpx #3
    bne l2

After calling query_controllers, three bytes each at controller1 and controller2 will contain the state:

; byte 0:      | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
;         NES  | A | B |SEL|STA|UP |DN |LT |RT |
;         SNES | B | Y |SEL|STA|UP |DN |LT |RT |
; byte 1:      | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
;         NES  | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
;         SNES | A | X | L | R | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
; byte 2:
;         $00 = controller present
;         $FF = controller not present

A 0 bit means the button is pressed, 1 means it is released.

The code pulses LATCH once, which makes the controllers sample their button states and transmit the first bit through their respective DATA lines. Pulsing CLK 15 more times will make the controllers send the remaining bits. Since SNES controllers send 16 bits of data, but NES controllers only send 8 bits, the type of controller can be detected through the lowermost nybble of byte 1. Similarly, the presense of a controller is detected by continuing to read bits: If a controller is attached, it will send 0 bits.


The driver code, together with demo code for the C64 can be found at


For each additional controller, only a single extra GPIO is needed. This way, six controllers would be possible on a single 8 bit I/O port, with only slightly modified code.

11 thoughts on “NES and SNES Controllers on a 6502 (like the C64)”

  1. As a primitive hacker, I simply ripped out the guts of the nes controller, lobbed off the end of the cable and put on the “atari” style connector in its place. Then using a 2600, i pressed the up button and tried various wires with the common until the player character moved up, etc.

    Of course this means that it can never go back to being a nes controller. Your solution is far more elegant, and is on a whole new level. Do you think though that theres a way to take your method and make an Interface to the two joystick ports instead? The c64 user port was rarely used, but it would be nice to have things attach where they are supposed to go.

    Thanks for this. Nice work.

    • Pzombley – These mods are not replacing the standard joysticks. I don’t know enough about the inner workings of the CIA chips to know if you could mask the joystick controls with (some) of the NES inputs. A new game or demo would need to be written, or maybe some existing games could have their joystick routines altered.

    • There are two basic ways to use this technique to attach an unmodified (except for the connector) NES/SNES controller to the joystick ports on a C64:

      1. Use a microcontroller to create an interface device that scans the NES gamepad using the same technique as used here, and based on that emulates the five buttons (fire and four directions) of an Atari joystick. An implementation of this, including schematics and source code, can be found here:

      2. Use this exact technique but with CIA 1 ports A and B on the C64, which are connected to the joystick ports instead of the user port. Unfortunately, this would result in interference if certain keys on the keyboard are pressed while you’re trying to scan the game controller, since the keyboard is also connected to these ports, and you’d also have to make sure that the ROM keyboard scan routine (which also manipulates these ports) is not being called.

      Here are the details of how the joystick ports are connected to CIA 1 on the C64:

      And here’s a question that may turn up some devices that actually used this technique:

    • The joystick X and Y axis are analogue (potentiometers) rather than simple on/off buttons, so it wouldn’t be possible without something to translate between data read from the control pads shift register and the signals the joystick port expects to see.

  2. There are two basic ways to use this technique to attach an unmodified (except for the connector) NES/SNES controller to the joystick ports on a C64:

    1. Use a microcontroller to create an interface device that scans the NES gamepad using the same technique as used here, and based on that emulates the five buttons (fire and four directions) of an Atari joystick. An implementation of this, including schematics and source code, can be found here:

    2. Use this exact technique but with CIA 1 ports A and B on the C64, which are connected to the joystick ports instead of the user port. Unfortunately, this would result in interference if certain keys on the keyboard are pressed while you’re trying to scan the game controller, since the keyboard is also connected to these ports, and you’d also have to make sure that the ROM keyboard scan routine (which also manipulates these ports) is not being called.

    Here are the details of how the joystick ports are connected to CIA 1 on the C64:

    And here’s a question that may turn up some devices that actually used this technique:

  3. That’s odd that you write 8 then zero to strobe the controller, when on the NES you write 1 then 0. I understand why the port is no longer at $4016, but I don’t get why it’s suddenly 8 then 0 to strobe the keys. Is this due to how you wired in the controller?


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